How You Can Build Momentum In Your Dog Training

Jan 02, 2024

Training your Gundog has moments of glory and moments of challenge. Your dog has a mind of his own. Sometimes, it feels like you're on the same page. Other times, she's doing the exact opposite of what you hoped!

How can you build off of those highlights so that you can have more days like that?


This is what Cornerstone Gundog Academy is all about.

You can take a success that you have in training and build on it in small increments until your dog is making an epic retrieve on the hunt. 

Practically, this could look like getting your puppy to sit on place for the first time today and having your pup repeat the behavior immediately tomorrow. 

It can look like pushing that blind retrieve from 50 yards to 60 yards today. Eventually, you've pushed it out to 300 yards and your dog is ready to retrieve anything you send her on.

In the video, CGA member and ambassador, Tom Forman, talks you through how he gets to days that he lives for. "Oh boy, this is what we live for right here. Training dogs. Days like this: Snowy cold days spitting a little bit of snow. This is what we live for right here. Good boy who got the birdies, who got the birdies."

He and Rip have trained and accomplished their dreams together. We are so proud of how they have trained and grown together. 

He puts it like this, "It all comes down to this. This is my favorite moment. It's is when you get through the entire 52 week program, and it's time to hunt. This is what I live for right here. Rip and I and he's become a tremendous gundog. There's a few little things I still like to work on with him, just a little patience. He's got high energy, but this is what we trained for right here this moment. Right now with a limit of geese.

Prepare for the moment of a lifetime now. #BuildFromHere.

If you want a free preview of the course Tom used to train Rip, click here.

P.S. You can follow Tom and Rip on Instagram and Facebook.

