When You Can Trust Your Dog as Much as He Trust You

Nov 07, 2023

“I can trust him as much as he trusts me.” Nicholas and his amazing retriever, Winston, are inseparable. Their bond began on day 1. Nicholas feels like Winston really chose him. With this instant bond, Nicholas wanted the very best for his best friend.  

He feels like following our motto, "#BuildFromHere", has allowed him to develop the bond they share.

“BuildFromHere has meant everything to us in the process because Winston’s the first dog that I’ve ever trained. The Cornerstone program allows you to create that bond, that drive within him where he wants to do it.”

“BuildFromHere is fantastic… what’s so important about it is that when you focus on a specific attribute of training, you know that it will pay off later on.”

#BuildFromHere means that you build on the successes, make the most of failures, and focus on where you are heading together in the future.

“We embrace the fundamentals and the core values set through the program to not only ensure you have the best dog you can get but also creating a best friend, companion, and family member that you’ll never forget.”

“I’m proud to be a part of this community. I’m proud to say I have a Cornerstone Gundog.”

Are you training your best friend to be your Gundog? Check out 52 Plus, and you can follow the plan that has brought Nicholas and Winston so much success. 

Nicholas said, “Cornerstone lays out a path for you to get from week 1 to week 52.”

“Because they make it attainable and have achievable moments throughout week to week, it made it so much more enjoyable to me.”

Nicholas's passion and enthusiasm are contagious. Follow along with Nicholas and Winston. You can see their adventures on Instagram and YouTube


P.S. Check out 52 Plus, and you can follow the plan that has brought Nicholas and Winston so much success. 

